
About us

Who are we?

We are a bunch of like-minded people whose goal is to make a positive change and bring awareness on a wide range of interests. After all humans were built to evolve and to change lives.

Snailsandoaks.com provides you a platform of good and original stories and these stories are sticky. Why sticky you may ask. Well, if it is sticky, people are more likely to connect and pass them on. After all word of mouth is a powerful medium of communication. In return, communication can create an optimistic change …which we are aiming for! We also want the younger generations to connect back with the world with better values and positive feelings for one another.

When we started, we were quite unsure about this website….we started it, then we scrapped it. Our time and energy both were running out, but deep within we knew we had to do it. Work pressure and family priorities did put us off track. However, we finally picked up where we left off but with greater fervor and resolve.  Like that snail we too are crawling up again! We need your support to ensure we don’t give up making an optimistic transformation! How you ask? Simply add your reviews and we’ll accept critical opinion with the same enthusiasm as appreciation!

So what kind of stories or articles will I find here?

Every possible topic under the sun! Ok let me spill the beans… You will find our take on life and its tribulations, economical issues, social issues, workplace issues, and all of them are based out of real life experiences.

Why the name Snails and Oaks (Whoever thought of that eh!☺)


Oak is a foundational tree and caters to innumerable organisms that feed on and interact with this ecologically-remarkable tree. We too, like the oak, would be showcasing a wide range of topics impacting humans in every possible manner.


We want to leave behind good thoughts just as the snails leave behind a trail. Don’t expect us to be rabbits… we want to move at a very steady pace like the snail in our name although slowly. We believe, small steps of changes steadily will lead to greater consequences.

Can you contribute?

We want to make each of you part of this website. So if you have a story which can make a difference in the world, do write to us and we’d be happy to make you part of our Writer’s club! (Not all our writers are professional’s!) Do contact us or email us at [email protected]

Every article/poem is published after comprehensive reviews by the editor. Contributors/Writer’s will be given the final copy before their work is published. Also views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article solely belong to the Contributors, and not necessarily to the Snails and Oaks team.
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Editor's choice
struggle with foreign language by Tony
Coffee pot
Shell in hand
Life is bigger than game by Ishan
simply simple