Life and its tribulationsWork



Each of us has a vigor that drives us in life. Life becomes inert and idle when we lose it.


During my school days, I would eagerly wait for the last day of the annual examinations. I had an endless list of activities for the summer holidays: cricket matches in paddy fields, never-ending cycle rides, showing off my swimming skills at the local pool, teasing and playing pranks. These were just a few to top the list of fun-filled, care-free days! Summer holidays would finish in a jiffy; two months in a few seconds.


School finished and junior college went by with just as much fun as school days! College was filled with making new friends, falling in love, bunking classes, attending because of friends.

Two roads diverged somewhere along the way and I took the more traveled one. I jumped into the engineering bandwagon. Completed the course and was proudly called an ‘Engineer’. To this day I’m not sure if I really am an Engineer! Anyways, the degree got me a job.

Today, as an employee, I look forward to Friday evenings to celebrate the end of another exhausting week. Each week’s endeavors no different from the one before. Every morning swipe in at 9, check your emails, do your tasks, take your breaks, talk to colleagues, attend meetings, complete and submit tasks, swipe out, have your dinner and head to bed. During the weekends I indulge in waking late, eating late, sleeping late, watching movies and catching up on social media. Sundays are filled with getting the next week into place: laundry, provisions, and shopping.

Another petal of life falls down as weeks turn into months without any satisfaction or achievement. This mundane routine continued for a few years. But this weekend it was different.

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuitions. They somehow know already what you truly want to become.”  – Steve Jobs.

I stumbled on those words and it got me thinking. Am I following my heart and its intuitions? Am I good at what I am doing or am I doing it just because I am the breadwinner of my family? Can I break the bonds around me and pick up the things close to my heart? Can I follow the intuitions deep inside me? I don’t want to wait for tomorrow because tomorrow is uncertain.


Let me start today with certainty. I cannot blame my parents or society for what I do. The choice to do what I really want to do was mine. I checked my heart and deep down I wanted to write and never really took it up seriously.

I’m following my heart by writing. What about you?

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    Tony Issac

    Impressive and inspirational style of writing…
    The “personal” stuff is the cross-section of reality of our feelings and life.
    It is interesting to read about college days – ‘… bunked classes and attended classes because of friends..’
    You follow your heart and hearts will follow you. I mean what is written from heart will touch the hearts and minds of others.
    I appreciate the article.

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