FamilyFriendshipHealthLess is More

Iron lady to Iron infused lady

iron lady by vanalatha

Exercise is an important part of my fitness routine, since I am a fitness enthusiast. I start my day with a glass of lemonade or green tea and a 45-minute brisk walk. Next comes nutritious food, household chores, and regular activities. I used to be appreciated for my tough nature and ability to handle any situation. Due to my physical and mental strength, I was called the ‘Iron Lady’ by my friends.

A friend of mine recently had both knees replaced. Almost three months passed before she was able to recover from the painful procedure. In addition to medication, she is undergoing physiotherapy treatment. I found it heartbreaking to see a lady who served as the backbone of her family lying on her bed.

It was her duty to care for her in-laws, who were less mobile, in a joint family. Having to run from one room to another for their needs made her everyday routine hectic. Oh! the plaints of a homemaker! She cared for them till the very end, ignoring her lifestyle. Later on, she developed many health issues, including the surgery mentioned above. In light of all these, I used to feel that maintaining one’s health was of paramount importance. We feel very enthusiastic when we are young, but as we age, our bodies require a lot of care and attention.

We have all heard the saying “Health is Wealth” since childhood. Honestly, do women really follow this saying? Women are always thinking about their family’s needs, but they don’t spend enough time thinking about themselves. I am sure many of us will agree with this statement.

The first time I developed some health problems was when I reached my forties. Despite my appearance being the same, I used to look pale and frail. Although age is just a number, how we live our lives is under our control. A fit and healthy mind leads to a healthy body. A healthy mind is the greatest asset to a healthy body. Unnecessary tensions in the mind can cause health issues. Interestingly enough, I seldom bring unwanted issues into my mind, but somehow a few matters were stuck like a magnet in my mind. This situation also led to the ups and downs in my health.

I had developed the habit of eating uncooked rice and betel nuts a few months ago. My mother used to scold me for this. She used to say I would become anemic, which would have many negative effects on my health. However, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I began craving these two foods. Although I tried to avoid them, I felt relaxed after eating them.

Finally, I decided to put an end to this habit. One fine morning, I gave my blood for the CBP (Complete Blood Profile). Though I waited for my reports, I was very confident that everything would be fine. As soon as I received a mail from the diagnostic center, I was very keen to open it. As a complete surprise, my hemoglobin level was only 7 g/dL (for women, this level should be 12-15 g/dL). In addition, to this there were other variations in the other diagnostic values as well.

My family members were worried and many questions rose in our minds. In the wake of seeing the reports, I felt like an anemic patient. Jokes aside, this was a serious health issue. I was truly confused about how my Hb levels dropped so low despite having a healthy diet. So we sought medical help immediately. My family doctor suggested an Iron Profile Test. As a result, I began my journey to diagnostic centers and hospitals.

I received my much-anticipated iron report the next day. The result was 14g/dL (the normal range for women is between 60g/dL and 80g/dL). With the reports in hand, I returned to the doctor. The doctor had general questions regarding my diet since I had crossed the 40-year mark. Even though I had some hormonal issues, she was surprised to find out that I was anaemic despite eating a healthy diet. I told her with a heavy heart about my cravings for uncooked rice and betel nuts. She laughed when she saw my embarrassment and said my cravings were caused by my anaemia.

Anyway, she suggested I get an iron infusion. A date was set for the infusion. The iron injection was administered through an IV drip over a period of 4 – 5 hours. From then on, I had different symptoms every day. The medication caused fluctuations, palpitations and many other health problems for me. As a result, I started looking dull and less energetic. To make me feel better and relieved, my friends who used to call me Iron Lady now call me Iron Infused Lady.

Slowly, I started to recover. Almost two months later, life returned to normal for me. Family was a huge support for me during this time. Even my friends and well-wishers stood by me, giving me advice on diet and how to remain calm. Doctor suggested I include foods rich in Vitamin C to help me absorb iron. Gradually, I began to focus on both my physical and mental health. Instead of allowing unnecessary things to take over my mind and emotions, I decided to be in control.

Slowly but surely, the Iron Lady in me is regaining her strength and energy. Rather than thinking about unnecessary talks that bother me, I have decided to concentrate on my health. Ultimately, I have the right to decide what I am and who I am.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, take time for yourself. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Make time for regular health checkups. After all, a healthy person makes a happy family and contributes to a healthy society. Don’t you think so?

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  1. Avatar photo

    Every word is valuable in this article. If women go by this article and change their habits towards health. It Gives Out Even Stronger Women Resulting In A Greater Society.

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    Jayanth Deepala

    A Great Write-up on how the responsibility-takers should take responsibility on themselves too. It’s High Time For Indian Women To Think Of This. Thanks For This Article.

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    Sunidhi G

    Thanks for sharing your life experience. It is surely an inspiration as to how we can defeat our challenges and lead towards the healthy lifestyle.

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